Home Apartment for rent (Page 65)
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Nib International Bank Wolo Sefer Branch, Ethio-Chinese Friendship Road, Wello Sefer, Addis Ababa, Kirkos, Addis Ababa, 11701, Ethiopia
3 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms153 m²
African Avenue or Bole road
2 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms143 m²
Top View, Fikre Mariam Aba Techan Street, Megenagna, Yeka, Addis Ababa, 12994, Ethiopia
3 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms160 m²
Atlas International Hotel, Namibia Avenue, ቦሌ, Bole, አዲስ አበባ / Addis Ababa, አዲስ አበባ, 7966, ኢትዮጵያ إثيوبيا
Africa Avenue / Bole Road, Bole, Addis Ababa, 1044, Ethiopia
3 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms185 m²
Gotera, Addis Ababa, 11701, Ethiopia
3 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms154 m²
Edna Mall, BL_03_646 St., Ghiliffalegn Stream, Addis Ababa, 26193/1000, Ethiopia
2 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms180 m²
Lem Hotel, Equatorial Guinea Street, Megenagna, Addis Ababa, 2310, Ethiopia
2 Bedrooms2 Bathrooms161 m²
Notice: Our company operates exclusively under the name of Mr. Masresha Fisseha and through the RealEthio.com website. We are not responsible for work done through other websites or through other agents.